Thomas Smith Webb Chapter of Research 2010 Transactions
EBook available on Lulu
Thomas Smith Webb Chapter of Research 2011 Transactions
EBook available on Lulu
Submissions Criteria
All papers submitted for publication in the Transactions must have a Masonic connection and must be submitted in the English language electronic format. Acceptable file formats are non-formatted text or MS Word ONLY. A very short abstract (not more than five sentences is suggested) must be the opening paragraph and should be titled as such. A short bio of the author should be included. Do not format the document. Graphics should be in JPEG format. Contact the Publications Committee with questions.
Papers must be submitted by e-mail to the Publications Committee.
Submissions become the property of The Thomas Smith Webb of Research, with the author retaining credit for the submission.
All submissions must represent the original work of the author and should present a new idea, argument, or discovery, which constitutes a material statement respecting an aspect of the Craft or of the history of some element of the Institution. Authors are responsible for the content in their submissions.
A paper to be published must contain bibliographic notes and references. Although no limitation on length is prescribed, any oral presentation of a paper in Chapter or Lodge should not exceed 30 minutes.
The Chapter reminds readers that the papers published in the Transactions are the responsibility of the authors, and not of the Chapter nor of the Grand Chapter State of New York Royal Arch Masons. Any paper contained in the Transactions may be read in any Lodge, Chapter, or other Masonic meeting groups. Although no permission is required in advance, courtesy dictates that appropriate credit be given to the source and to the author and that advises as to the use sent to the Secretary would be appreciated.
No portion of any paper may be reproduced, printed or otherwise published, etc., without prior permission. Short quotations may be used for reference or comment upon advice to the Publications Committee as to the use thereof, and upon the extension of appropriate credits.
Requests for reproduction should be directed to the Publications Committee. No portion of any paper may be reproduced, printed, reprinted, or otherwise published without prior permission.